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Bell Smile Acupuncture

Why Acupuncture?

Natural. Safe. Effective.

Acupuncture is a form of healing therapy that activates the body’s own healing ability to rebalance & restore itself naturally. Our acupuncture clinic uses a time-honored, safe, medically substantiated method to help patients become pain-free, achieve a healthy weight, heal, and rejuvenate their system. Although still regarded as an alternative therapy, acupuncture is highly praised throughout the medical community for its effectiveness and lack of negative side effects. Acupuncture has been known to successfully treat many acute & chronic illnesses that Western medicine had trouble treating effectively.

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We accept most of major insurance policies

We are an In-network provider

  • Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield 

  • United Health Care Dual plan

  • Optum United Health Care

  • Northwell Health - Clinical Integration Network IPA

  • Wellcare 

  • Aetna 

  • Cigna - Great-West Healthcare

  • ASH - American Specialty Health

  • VillageCareMAX

  • Fidelis Care- Medicare

  • MetroHealth Plus - Medicare

  • Humana - Medicare

  • 1199SEIU 

  • Seoul Medical Group

  • Worker's Compensation 

  • PPO Insurance 

  • No-Fault

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Internal Medicine

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese science that dates back thousands of years. Although complex to learn and practice, this discipline can be easily explained. Acupuncture needles are gently placed through the skin along various key points to help rebalance Qi, or energy, so the body systems work in harmony. Qi is meant to flow smoothly to even the most remote cells. Think of Qi as “The Force,” the energy that makes a clear distinction between life and death. When it is balanced, your health is good and strong. When it is blocked, you may experience pain, disease, depression, confusion, or other physical or emotional dysfunction. Acupuncture is based on Chinese medicine, a comprehensive health care system. These traditional health care therapies have been used for more than 5,000 years to diagnose and treat illness, to prevent disease, and to improve well-being. Although the exact mechanism of action pertaining to acupuncture has not been explained in Western Medical terms, one theory is that acupuncture modulates pain transmission and the pain response by activation of endorphins and various neuropeptides by needle insertion. Acupuncture involves a holistic approach to health and wellness. And because the effectiveness of acupuncture and this approach has become increasingly recognized in the United States and other Western Countries. By and large, many physicians today refer patients to experienced acupuncture practitioners.

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Car accident & Pain Relief

Acupuncture points stimulate the nervous system to activate bioactive chemicals in the muscles, spinal cord, and brain. These chemicals will either change the experience of pain, or they will trigger the release of other chemicals and hormones which influence the body’s own internal regulating system. Some of the physiological effects observed throughout the body include increased circulation, decreased inflammation, relief from pain and muscle spasms, and increased blood cell production, which stimulates the immune system.
The improved energy and biochemical balance produced by acupuncture results in stimulating the body’s natural healing abilities, and in promoting physical and emotional well-being.

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Women's Health

We offer a holistic approach for general health, fertility, menopause & hormonal support, weight management, among others. Along with Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture is a safe and all-natural treatment option to the hormonal fluctuations all women experience and is very effective for treating hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, anxiety, and insomnia associated with menopause. Also, these treatments restore qi and blood flow, regulate the cycle, and relieve the heavy bleeding, and severe cramping.


Immune Issues

Asthma, Allergies, Sinusitis, Ear Infections, Bronchitis

The body’s defenses start with the airwaves. Sinus passages, bronchial tubes, lungs—issues with any of them can leave you weakened. Worse, breathing problems can sap your strength and leave you feeling sluggish.

Symptoms from seasonal allergies, asthma, bronchitis, and ear infections have all been found to respond positively to acupuncture.

Traditional Chinese Medicine places an emphasis on the health of the lungs. They are known as the “canopy,” since they occupy the upper position of the five zang organs (lungs, heart, liver, spleen, and kidney). The lungs are considered essential to the proper balance and circulation of qi throughout the body.

As such, the lungs and the parts of the body that work in conjunction with them have been a central focus of acupuncture for centuries. Treatments are designed to ensure that the lungs are functioning properly, both as the body’s way of expelling harmful elements, namely carbon dioxide, and in clearing the pathways for qi circulation.

In Western medicine, the practical explanation for how acupuncture helps conditions like asthma or bronchitis is in the natural anti-inflammatory response that it can generate. Inflammation is caused by the release of cytokines, proteins that signal cells to react in that manner. By stimulating key points in the body, acupuncture releases dopamine, which can balance out the immune system's response and lessen the inflammation.

There are numerous treatments that are designed to optimize lung functionality. Our licensed acupuncturist will work with you to find the right treatment for your specific needs.


Allergies & Respiratory Issues

An allergy is the body's immune system reacting to a variety of relatively harmless substances, ranging from pollen and dust to animal dander. This reaction manifests in the form of coughing, wheezing and sneezing, and sometimes asthma. Allergy medications may offer temporary relief from the symptoms, but they can't cure the condition. The combination of acupuncture and Chinese herbal supplements is very effective at treating allergy symptoms by getting to the root of the issue: a weakened immune system. Chinese herbal medicine and Acupuncture can strengthen the immune system, reduce inflammation in the nasal passages, clear up nasal congestion, stop an itchy, watery eyes.



Insomnia is a sleep disorder that affects the way you sleep. Having this disorder can make it hard to fall asleep, stay asleep, or cause you wake up early and not be able to get back to sleep. Those with insomnia often have low energy and unpredictable moods which can affect your work performance and quality of life. Stress and trauma can trigger insomnia for a few days or weeks, and it can persist and become a chronic problem. The amount of sleep a person needs varies, but most people with insomnia know that they have a problem because it’s bothersome and causes them to feel tired during the day. Some signs and symptoms that point to insomnia include:  Difficulty falling asleep, Difficulty staying asleep, Tiredness during the day and with the pain.

Why It’s Important To Treat Insomnia? 

Insomnia can be insidious, and for many people it’s something they’ve tried to learn to live with or just hoped that it would go away on its own. Losing sleep alone also takes its toll on our health over time. Unfortunately, there are also a number of health problems that result from, or are worsened, by insomnia. For example, chronic pain issues can flare-up and anxiety and depression can worsen with lack of sleep. Getting effective treatment is an important investment in your health


Stress & Emotional Issues

Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine can be effective antidepressants, without any harmful side effects. Stress, insomnia, mood disorders, such as depression and anxiety are all treatable with acupuncture and Chinese herbs. These treatments can help reduce stress, and alleviate anxiety-based panic attacks. In Chinese Medicine, insomnia is a symptom of imbalance of internal condition and lack of immunity, also that causes many different conditions such as brain fog, forgetfulness, lack of concentration, fatigue, and digestive problems. Depression and anxiety can be the result of various underlying causes - once we find the root cause of your condition, we prescribe a custom treatment for you.


Diet and Loss Weight is a key factor to living a long and healthy life. Eating a healthy balanced diet accompanied by regular exercise is essential in maintaining physical and mental well-being. Not only are these effective in preventing excess weight gain or in maintaining weight loss, but healthier lifestyles are also associated with improved practice of Diet and Weight Loss. Gaon Wellness can provide professional consultations and treatments to help you look healthy inside as well as outside through LPG – meridian massages and body contouring.

Doctor's Appointment

Services: Pricing

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Cancelation/Late policy

Appointments can be changed or cancelled with no fee up to 24 hours in advance. Changes or cancelations made within 24 hours of the appointment will be charged the full price of the appointment

Please leave extra time for travel. If you are late for your appointment we will do our best to fit you in but if you are more than 10 minutes late we may not be able to see you and you will be charged for the appointment. 

Basic Acupuncture

Duration 20-30 minutes  After your consultation you will be given a treatment plan with a recommendation of how often you should come in for treatment based on your treatment goals and your specific condition.

Extended Acupuncture

Duration 30 - 45 minutes- you are in the clinic for the same amount of time as with regular acupuncture but receive more time with your acupuncturist. Booking an extended session may be recommended if your acupuncturist feels that you require more time for one of the following: two needle sets (treatment of both sides of your body), cupping, guasha, trigger points, dietary consults.

Private Acupuncture:

Duration 45 - 60 minute. This is an extended session that gives you more time with your practitioner and takes place in our private treatment room. 

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